Understanding the Conductor-Choir Bond

Understanding the Conductor-Choir Bond

Understanding the mechanisms that underlie the conductor-choir bond can help all parties in the ensemble make it work more effectively.

Summary Description 

The connection between conductors and choirs is something widely experienced, but understood only at an implicit, intuitive level. This workshop draws on a five-year research project that investigated the cultural, psychological and neurological mechanisms that make the bond possible. It introduces key theoretical ideas, then guides participants through diagnostic exercises that help them make the bond work better in their own rehearsals.

Who is it suitable for? 

This workshop will be of most benefit to groups where there is a close bond of trust between conductor and singers, and a desire for all to develop together.


By the end of the workshop, participants will:

  • Understand key concepts that explain the conductor-choir bond
  • Be able to use those concepts to diagnose the effectiveness of current rehearsal interactions and to propose changes to make them more effective

The workshop will fall into two halves:

  1. A structured presentation of key theoretical concepts, including practical discovery exercises and moderated discussion
  2. A coached rehearsal in which conductor and singers will be encouraged to use these concepts as analytical tools with which to reflect on and adjust their rehearsal interactions.

Resource document that summarises the concepts introduced and activities undertaken during the workshop, and gives suggestions for further reading and practical resource suggestions.

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